- Pressure wash with every pump to prevent sludge buildup
- System Inspection, Evaluation and Consultation
We have moved to a new location! Our business has grown, we have more trucks to meet your needs, and more space! Please update your records. All paperwork and remittance checks should be mailed to our new office. Thank you for your business!
All State Pumping & Consulting LLC
5519 W 56th Ave. Unit C
Arvada, CO 80002
Pump service often takes place outside of normal business hours- when you're not on-site, and disreputable pumping companies may take advantage of your absence through a variety of deceptive practices such as 'ghost pumping' and 'skimming.'
We eliminate this concern by providing Date/Time-stamped, Before-and-After Pictures so you can document the work performed by our pump operator, and monitor the condition of your system.
You'll appreciate knowing that from scheduling, to pumping, to records management, the All State team has someone dedicated to oversee each aspect of your service:
Founded in 2003 as a family-owned and operated, Colorado-based company, All State Pumping & Consulting started out small, with just one pump truck and a great attitude toward customer service. Word spread quickly that that there was an honest, reliable pumper in town, and today our fleet of trucks and professional, pump-truck drivers are considered among the best in the field!
Whether your establishment is a small, neighborhood cafe, or a large food-processing plant, we treat your business as our own!
After evaluating your system's capacity, demands, and performance, we will recommend a service schedule to keep your system performing at its best- and keep you in compliance with Federal, State, and Local Environmental Regulations.
When you submit a request for service, we will work with you to ensure that the timing of service calls is not disruptive to your business operations.
If you prefer, we can arrange to Auto-Dispatch our Technician each time your system is due for maintenance- whether weekly, monthly, or just once per year- you'll know we're maintaining your schedule- so you don't have to.
All State's Work Ethic
Unlike the empty promises of some pumping companies who claim to "clean" your equipment after pumping - yet arrive at the site without the necessary equipment -All State's Pump trucks are equipped with truck-mounted pressure washer units- because pumping is only half the job.
After vacuum extraction of the waste material, the All State pump operator will pressure wash all surfaces, Crossovers, Inlets/Outlets and T's to ensure thorough removal of any existing buildup, and prevent future buildup which, decreases the performance of your system and over time, will corrode your equipment.
When we say clean, we mean CLEAN -
and we'll furnish you with the pictures to prove it!
8am - 4pm
To request a quote or send us a message, click below.
LOW PRICING: When a pump company quotes a price that is markedly lower than their competitors’, it is usually an indicator that they are not paying the required fees to legally dispose of your waste grease according to municipal and environmental regulations.
Instead, they are dumping your waste straight into Colorado’s precious streams, rivers, and retention ponds, doing irreparable harm to wildlife and the environment. Or, they illegally discharge it into sewers and storm drains resulting in disruptions and costly damage to municipal collection systems.
Authorities take these crimes seriously and perform thorough investigations which often enable them to trace the problem back to its source, and that can mean legal trouble and financial losses for the business owner.
Illegal dumping for commercial purposes is a felony and the business owner (the waste grease generator) as well as the pump company can be charged, even if the business owner did not have actual knowledge of the crime.
A business owner found guilty of illegal dumping faces penalties including: Incarceration, Restitution, Remediation, and
For help with hiring a reputable pumper, see the section below "How to Interview a Pumping Company.
Because the intensely foul odor emitted during the pumping process will send employees and customers running for fresh air, most pumpers begin their routes before the sun comes up, before you’re on-site to observe the pump operator at work. Without direct supervision by someone who knows what proper pumping looks like, even during business hours, the pump operator typically works alone, without being observed by anyone from the establishment who knows what proper pumping should look like.
This leaves you vulnerable to a variety of costly scams. Continue reading to understand just how these scams work, and how you can protect your business from these costly, illegal practices.
The pump truck pulls onto your premises, lingers for a while to give the appearance of working- should anyone be watching, and leaves without ever performing your pump service; you then pay your invoice having no idea that the work was never performed.
The pump operator creates the illusion of a recently pumped trap by removing only the visible layer of fats, oils, and grease which floats on the surface of the water inside your trap leaving the remaining contents untouched. What you can’t see is all the solid waste that settles and accumulates at the bottom; nor can you see the built-up sludge coating the trap walls, crossovers, baffles and T’s. And if the trap isn’t emptied, it can’t be cleaned.
Subsequently, the bacteria in the accumulating sludge produces hydrosulfuric acid which, over time causes corrosion, resulting in significant damage and eventually total destruction of your equipment.
Not to be confused with an old-school step in grease trap cleaning known as “Backwashing” whereby the pumper vacuums out and then redeposits the dirty water into the trap in order to loosen and churn-up the solids before vacuuming out the trap completely. Backflushing is deceptive and illegal. When you’re not looking, the pump operator opens a valve and deliberately discharges the waste from their tanker through your trap and into the municipal sewer system. In this way they avoid paying disposal fees for as much waste as they can illegally discharge.
In order to pull-off this level of deceit, disreputable pumping companies actually train their pump operators in this method, whereby the operator avoids suspicion by moving normally along their route from one establishment to the next, giving the appearance of providing routine pump service to each trap. In reality, the operator is simply moving the waste down the line, taking the content pumped from one trap and flushing it through the next trap and into the municipal sewer system. By the end of the route, the operator has illicitly discharged most- if not all- of the waste pumped that day, saving the pump company the substantial cost of legal disposal of thousands of gallons of waste. Furthermore, if engaged in Pump & Dump scamming, it is unlikely that the pump operator provides any beneficial service to your equipment, such as servicing or cleaning the trap properly.
The vast majority of pumping service calls are performed without anyone else observing the work performed by the Pump Operator. After pumping, a grease trap begins to refill with water, obscuring the true condition of the trap; a visual inspection alone will not reveal whether the trap was recently serviced.
Without reviewing your security footage to see what the pumper actually did while on your premises, or without popping the lid on your trap and performing a full and proper inspection, you’d have no idea that the pumper you hired has scammed you. That is, until your employees and customers are struck by the foul odor of decay coming from the neglected trap, which, when overwhelmed with waste, begins to overflow, block plumbing lines, and back-up through interior sinks and drains, creating a health hazard and bringing your business operations to an immediate halt while you scramble to secure emergency pump and plumbing services.
Or, the scam becomes apparent when the municipal inspector shows up, finds the trap in poor condition, and issues an inspection failure notice and an order to increase the frequency of your pumping maintenance, costing you more in annual pumping fees. The inspector may also issue fines.
It is very difficult to hold a pumper accountable without direct evidence of illegal activity, and so it is the business owner who pays the costs.
All State Pumping & Consulting has never engaged in illegal dumping or any other deceptive practice, only a few pumping companies can say that truthfully. We provide time/date stamped Before and After pictures with every pump service, to document the work we perform, and monitor the condition of your trap.